
PFALZKOM attaches great importance to responsible corporate governance and fair and reliable partnerships. It goes without saying that we also have this aspiration towards our employees. We want to treat the environment and the use of resources in the best possible way and keep our ecological footprint as small as possible. Our commitment to sustainability therefore focuses on the areas of environment, social affairs and sustainable corporate governance – ESG for short.
Our premise: Taking responsibility for nature, employees and customers.

Member of the corporate climate protection network

In 2024, we joined the Climate Protection Business Network. Companies that want to actively contribute to climate protection network on the IHK platform. Here you will find useful information and training offers for the path to climate neutrality. Companies can also actively use the platform to exchange knowledge and experience with other companies.

Sustainable, future-proof Data Centers

With our modern and energy-efficient Data Centers, we are setting a good example: we are continuously taking measures to further reduce our energy consumption and cause fewer greenhouse gas emissions. We have been using a photovoltaic system on the roof of DCRN I since 2010, and since 2017 we have also been operating our Data Centers with 100% green electricity, thus making a contribution to climate protection.
Achieving a high level of energy efficiency is a sustainability issue for us, which is also of economic interest to our customers. 

Energy efficiency

We operate our Data Centers in an energy-efficient manner and achieve top PUE values (Power Usage Effectiveness). This means less power consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In terms of PUE, our Data Centers already meet the requirements of the Energy Efficiency Act.
  • PUE < 1.3 (DCRN II)
  • PUE < 1.4 (DCRN I)

Clean, renewable energy

Since 2017, our Data Centers have been powered by 100% green electricity from hydropower plants (Germany, Austria, France and Switzerland).  

Waste heat utilization

We use the waste heat from the server rooms to heat the office areas of the Data Center (DCRN I). This allows us to dispense with 100% of the additional heating in the office wing of the Data Center.

Enclosure of the cold aisles and hot aisles

To reduce energy consumption, we optimize cooling by consistently enclosing the cold aisles, hot aisles and racks: we use physical barriers to reduce the mixing of cool supply air and warm exhaust air.

Energy-efficient Data Centers: What is the PUE?

In Data Centers, it is not only the information technology that requires electricity, but also the building technology. This includes air conditioning, lighting, cooling systems, uninterruptible power supply, fire protection and security technology. The so-called PUE value (Power Usage Effectiveness) is a measure of the efficiency of the Data Center infrastructure. It sets the annual energy requirement of the entire Data Center in relation to the annual energy requirement of the Data Center’s IT. This varies depending on the technical and local conditions. The closer the PUE approaches the value 1, the more energy-efficient the Data Center is.

Cooling systems

  • Use of energy-efficient cooling technologies
  • Precise coordination of the cooling technology with extensive sensor and control systems

Data analysis

  • Monitored control technology
  • Monitoring of operating data
  • Data management


  • Optimized cooling through consistent enclosure of the cold aisles or hot aisles and racks
  • Strict separation of warm air and cold air zones


  • Careful maintenance and care
  • Preventive measures on the cooling systems (e.g. frequent filter replacement)
  • Stress tests


  • Continuous improvement of the control and regulation of the (cooling) systems
  • Implementation of certifications
  • Energy consulting and energy efficiency management

Commitment to the Climate Neutral Data Center Pact

PFALZKOM has been part of the Climate Neutral Data Center Pact since July 2021. The initiative has set itself the goal of operating Data Centers in a climate-neutral manner by 2030. Its members are committed to supporting the EU’s climate neutrality target with concrete measures. The initiative was developed in collaboration with the European Commission.

Tagesschau interview: Sustainable Data Centers – is that possible?

How can Data Centers become more sustainable? To get to the bottom of this question, SWR researched sustainable Data Centers. SWR editor Christian Kretschmer was in conversation with Jürgen Beyer and Uwe Burre. He has published the information from his research as an article on  Tagesschau.

Benefit from diversity

In August 2024, our Group signed the Diversity Charter for more diversity in the world of work and took part in German Diversity Day. Our co-design group for diversity pursues the clear goal of highlighting the diversity of the workforce in all its dimensions and supporting and promoting its interests.

We also support our employees in the following areas:

  • We continue to focus on flexible and mobile working for our employees.
  • Our vehicle fleet is currently being converted to electric vehicles.