Donation to the Rhine-Palatinate Hedgehog Friends’ hedgehog station

To support animal welfare and biodiversity on our doorstep in the Rhine-Palatinate district, in November we donated 1000 euros to the Rhine-Palatinate Hedgehog Friends – a recognized non-profit association based in Bobenheim-Roxheim.
The donation is intended to support the work of the Rhine-Palatinate Hedgehog Friends. The volunteer hedgehog friends look after sick, orphaned or malnourished wild animals. Hedgehog care takes time and costs around 30 euros per patient. The donation will help more than 30 hedgehogs.
“Working in the station is like working in a clinic. The hedgehogs have to be cared for and sometimes given medication. The boxes, houses and bowls must be cleaned. There are two incubators on site for intensive care patients. Some of the hedgehogs have to be helped with breathing or, if they are unwell or still babies, fed every few hours – the little ones have to be fed in a multiple shift system working “24/7”, explains hedgehog enthusiast Björn Wolfmüller.
The hedgehog station relies on many volunteers both at the station and also out and about finding hedgehogs. We can all make a valuable contribution to the conservation of this species. Further information, donation options and downloads can be found on the association’s website.