Sustainable Data Centers – is that possible?

How can Data Centers become more sustainable? To get to the bottom of this question, SWR researched the importance of sustainable Data Centers in Germany.

SWR in conversation with the managing directors Jürgen Beyer and Uwe Burre

How can Data Centers become more sustainable? To get to the bottom of this question, SWR researched the importance of sustainable Data Centers in Germany at the Bitkom press conference on 15.02.2022. SWR editor Christian Kretschmer was in conversation with Jürgen Beyer and Uwe Burre, the managing directors of PFALZKOM. He has published the information from his research as an article on Tagesschau.

The editor took a closer look at the topic of sustainability and identified renewable energies as the key: “At PFALZKOM, we are certainly prepared,” says Uwe Burre and explains the company’s commitment to the Climate Neutral Data Pact initiative. Christian Kretschmer has also identified the utilization and efficiency of the servers used as a key factor. In turn, Jürgen Beyer can imagine that in a few years there will be a sustainability certificate for Data Centers, for example at European level: “Soon you won’t be able to take part in any tender if you don’t meet specified criteria.” You can find the full article on Tagesschau.