Network & Connectivity

Rely on symmetrical fiber optic connections from PFALZKOM and benefit from high bandwidths, extremely low latency and excellent availability. Our products adapt flexibly to your needs and scale as your company requires. Whether professional internet, cloud connection, site networking or internet telephony – we are your partner for customized and tailor-made solutions.
In short: We deliver light speed for your business!


Symmetrical bandwidths and up to 100 Gbit/s, reaching Frankfurt in less than a millisecond – we provide maximum speed


Highest availability of at least 99.5% guaranteed, well connected regionally and internationally – for your business continuity


Increasing demand or short-term request? Our lines grow with you – so that your company thrives in the long term

Professional Internet

Our direct and powerful fiber optic connections ensure fast internet with guaranteed bandwidth and high reliability at your company locations and at our Data Center. Redesign the efficiency of your business processes and rely on our fiber optic network. Of course, all our lines can be flexibly scaled to meet today’s growing requirements. What’s more, our services are perfectly suited to a wide range of applications such as hybrid cloud scenarios.
– 500Mb/s bandwidth

The aforementioned configuration for Professional Internet starts at EUR 260 net per month (excl. provision costs per order). We would be delighted to put together an individual overall package tailored to your needs. All our services can of course be combined and scaled as required.

Network and Connectivity - Professional Internet


  • Symmetrical bandwidths between 100 Mbit/s and 100 Gbit/s guarantee constant upload and download speeds
  • No outages! Thanks to our very high annual availability of 99.5%, you are always connected, even to nodes such as DE-CIX
  • IP Transit as an additional option: We connect your company structures directly and on to other networks with no losses
  • We are here when you need us! Let our experts advise you on additional functions such as static IPs or VPN
Network and Connectivity - Professional Internet
Network and Connectivity - Location Networking

Location Networking

We connect your locations professionally, according to your requirements via point-to-point or multi-point connection! Benefit from smooth, comprehensive corporate communication and collaboration, as well as a shared database. This gives your employees flexible and time-saving access to company data from any location, ensuring efficient and cost-effective process design and increasing productivity in the long term.
– Location networking of two customer locations
– 1Gbit/s bandwidth

The aforementioned configuration for site networking starts at EUR 1199 net per month (excluding provision costs per order and any construction costs for connecting the customer locations). We would be delighted to put together an individual overall package tailored to your needs. All our services can of course be combined and scaled as required.

Network and Connectivity - Location Networking


  • Highest technical standards guaranteed! This means you are ideally equipped for even the most demanding tasks
  • Future-proof and scalable! Your network can be easily adapted to new technologies or requirements thanks to its technological openness
  • Redundancy concepts are possible! Attain reliability through alternative transmission paths on several levels
  • Prioritize important data, make optimum use of bandwidth and distribute data traffic in accordance with your requirements – everything is possible

Cloud Connectivity

Our dedicated data connections to global clouds guarantee you a direct connection to all major hyperscalers, for example for your hybrid IT infrastructure. We guarantee a private, secure and reliable direct connection between your company resources (on-premise or in one of our highly available Data Centers) and various public cloud providers, naturally separated from the public internet. In this way, we ensure constant bandwidths and a secure connection for sensitive data as well as extremely high availability.
– 100Mbit/s bandwidth
– Term of 12 months

The aforementioned configuration for a cloud connection starts at EUR 199 net per month (excluding provisioning costs per order and any construction costs for connecting the customer locations). We would be delighted to put together an individual overall package tailored to your needs. All our services can of course be combined and scaled as required.

Network and Connectivity - Cloud Connectivity



  • High security and performance requirements? With us, bandwidth, latency and availability are in harmony
  • Our critical infrastructure customers in particular benefit from our dedicated and secure cloud connection
  • Your data reaches Frankfurt at the speed of light, in less than a millisecond to be precise
  • Multi-cloud scenarios can be realized! We can implement your requirements individually
Network and Connectivity - Cloud Connectivity
Network and Connectivity - Carrier Services

Carrier Services

Use PFALZKOM’s dense fiber optic network to cleverly rent lines for your customers in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. We are your infrastructure partner for networking and connecting your customer locations. This allows you to avoid high investments in your own fiber optic network and instead focus entirely on your core business. Of course, we connect any network nodes and customer locations directly according to your requirements.
We want to offer you the best possible overall package tailored to your individual needs. As carrier services are a complex and highly customizable service, we cannot provide you with a general calculation. Instead, we would be happy to advise you personally and on an equal footing.
Network and Connectivity - Carrier Services



  • Choose from more than 250 network nodes and benefit from a direct connection
  • We guarantee a redundant and secure connection, also to main nodes in Frankfurt (we are also a DE-CIX Enabled Site)
  • Benefit from fixed, booked bandwidths or a fiber optic connection at a fixed price
  • Save costs and effort, as you do not need to invest directly in your own fiber optic network

Voice (VoIP)

Use our cloud telephony services instead of traditional telephony services, based on our symmetrical fiber optic connections. This can sustainably reduce communication costs and simply increase the flexibility of corporate communication. With this product, you also benefit from maximum availability and therefore unrivaled reliability. Continue to develop in line with your requirements, as all our services scale easily.
– VoIP system connection with 30 channels
– Flatrate for the German mobile and landline network included

The aforementioned configuration for voice (VoIP) starts at EUR 540 net per month (excluding provisioning costs per order). We would be delighted to put together an individual overall package tailored to your needs. All our services can of course be combined and scaled as required.



  • Stay flexible! VoIP is available on a wide range of different end devices and can be integrated into various business tools
  • Do you need extended functionalities? No problem, VoIP supports the usual additional functions
  • Conventional telephone lines are plagued by noise – modern VoIP codecs usually offer better voice quality here
  • Stay flexible – regardless of your location and across locations, even worldwide